Hello, I am Rosie. I am a cajun, and I hope you will relax awhile and find out a point of view that most cajuns have, and respect in others. Honesty, is one of the many virtues that cajuns possess. It is our foundation, our root, and most of all part of our tradition.
I created this page, over a year ago. Since then, I have found so many cajun sites on the internet, that I was amazed, and yet dumb-founded. Cajuns are a people, and not a food, or a way of preparing food. The most amazing thing of all, is that real cajuns are kind, considerate, and certainly not petty.
We give the shirts off our backs, to mere strangers. We cook for ya'll, because we want to, because we like sharing. We also, do not ask you to return the favor. Of all the people I know, and grew up with, I can think of only one thing: generosity.
I decided to create this particular page on my site, because of another site that I ran across while surfing the net. I first found a web ring, called the Cajun Ring and it seemed I had found a home for my page. I decided to first surf the ring, and see what other cajuns had created. I was so excited about having found the ring, that I ended up spending a lot of time, making the rounds to most of the sites there. However one of the sites I found upset me quite a bit. As I said earlier, Cajuns are people and not a cooking method, or a cuisine of sorts, but real living, breathing people. The site that I refer to here, is called Cajun Yes, blackened no!. This site has a regular home page, with recipes called Cajun in the Kitchen. I was disturbed by the membership offered here, to join the "cajun yes, blackened no" cause that they are offering. One of the quotes on this site, says "practice of burning food", when referring to the cooking method of blackening food, which was made famous by: Chef Paul Prodhomme, who by the way is cajun. The site also offers, recipes as I mentioned, and one of them is that prank, 250.00 Neiman Marcus cookie recipe!. I just find that in bad taste on any site, much less a "cajun" site. Also on this site, the midi, "House of the rising sun" is being played, which is a reference to New Orleans, and the people that are called creoles, are from in and around New Orleans, not the Cajuns, who are originating from the western part of our state. I just don't get it, what is this site trying to prove?
One of the many things about cajuns that people find so interesting, is that we are steeped in tradition. Tradition is a wonderful thing. It is a basis for roots that eventually grow into trees, and create an entire family which stems down all the way to the deepest of those roots. But as the tree grows, the branches don't look like the roots, they are all different, growing in different directions, and taking on their own traits. Although they are still based at the root of the tree, they are just as much a part of the family as any other part of the tree.
Are you following me, here?
Change evolves over the entire globe. It even touches cajuns. That is one of the reasons, many restaurants throughout Louisiana, many spice companies there, as well as the most famous of all Tabasco offers a seasoning, with jalepeno pepper, called the "green sauce". Cajuns traditionally did not use jalepeno peppers, but instead relied mostly on cayenne peppers, as well as black pepper and of course, salt. Today however, there are many cajuns using a variety of peppers and spices in their dishes, and they are delicious! I, myself, use many kinds of spices in my dishes, and yes I am cajun, so guess what? These are cajun dishes! If a cajun cooks it, It is CAJUN FOOD!
There is an excellent information page found at Gumbo Pages.com which explains not only the change in cajun cooking, but the so called cajun craze that exploded in the 80's, and the difference and similarity between cajun and creole cooking. Another resouce is found at New Orleans Alive, and gives a rather good summary of cajun cooking. I have included a list of links here, that you may follow to see which restaurants and companies, all in the name of cajun, use and serve blackened foods, and blackening spices. See, when a cajun cooks it, it's cajun food!
K Paul's in New Orleans This is Chef Paul Prudhomme's site! Oops, he's cajun and he founded the "blackening technique."
Craw Daddy's Bayou
Pure Cajun.com
Cajun Land Seasonings.
Zatarain's Online
Cajun Spice Company
Then Email me, and let me know you would like to join.
I will come visit you, and hopefully find some blackened recipes to try, if not that is ok too. Even if you just love blackened food, you can still join. See, that was easy.
Ok, now I know ya'll asked me to close this with that cajun note, Alright den!
Hey, Cuz, where y'at?
Coo-wee, man, it's been a lon time!
How's ya ma ma?
She's doing alright.
Tell her I said hey!....Where ya goin, der?
Come see, I got me a big load of shrimp this time.
Poo-yi, dat's a lot a shrimp, der
But where ya goin?
I am goin by T-Trey's house.
Aw but no!
Yeah, but dey havin a crabboil over der, so I am goin.
Alright, well!....Don't even say I never "axed" ya to come by my house, cuz.
Aw cuz, I'll be over der afterwhil`, we'll go shinin.
Alright padna`, I'ma see ya den, yeah.
Here is a great site about crawfish, if you so desire. Oh, and by the way, a special thanks to the great folks at Redirect Services!
Frugé's Cajun Crawfish Company, and they offer a link to Paul Prudhomme's site.
I got it for free at http://come.to